Monday, 30 March 2015

The Blog Has a New Look

Hey everyone, how are you all doing?  Fortunately I took today off work because the jet lag has been hammering me today.  I woke up feeling pretty darn good, but before the morning was out I was starting to feel pretty sleepy.  This afternoon I had a nap (against my better judgement) but with any luck I'll be able to sleep tonight.  Tomorrow morning it's back to work, so lets hope that I'm a lot more alert by then.

You should have all noticed by now that the blog has an entirely new look.  I've been using the same template since I started the blog in 2007, and I think I was overdue for a refresh.  What really pushed me to make the change was when my good friend Richard mentioned that the original colour scheme was so hard on his eyes that he was unable to read my blog at all.  I've picked a new template, and then slightly altered it to suit my tastes.  The biggest difference is that to posts will now be in a dark font on a light background, which I'm told is much easier on the eyes for sustained reading.  I also boosted up the font size as I found it to be a bit small.

In this Blogger template, as it originally was the text was actually grey, and I found it to be entirely too light, so I changed it to dark blue.  Since it was a "travel" template they had some image in the background of a dusty desert road, but I pulled that out.  I originally thought to use one of my own photos, but on larger screens it tiles them in a strange way, and didn't look good.

As always, feedback is welcome.  I can tweak a lot of different things about this particular template, or completely abandon it if it's not popular among my readers.  Feel free to share your thoughts on the new look.


Jabbles said...

Looks great on the pc, not do much on mobile. Blue text on dark grey is what I am getting

Debbie said...

I vote for current picture :)

Debbie said...

Same for me on the mobile a bit hard to read. PC great.

Grammie said...

I think it is great before and after! But then I'm reading this on my tablet or on my pc and it looks goocd to me.