Tuesday, 31 July 2007


Hello everyone!

Today I have found myself in Tomakomai. I'm sure this raises some questions for all of you... namely where in the world is Tomakomai? The intent was to spend the next few days in Sapporo, but I was unable to find a hotel that could accomodate all three of us in Sapporo (busy season for travel up here) and so I ended up in Tomakomai, a smaller city about 45min train ride from Sapporo. We figured that precise location wasn't really an issue, since we were just going to use Sapporo as a base of operations from which to explore Hokkaido. The plan currently is to do another car rental, as the trains up here are not quite as frequent or far-reaching as they are further to the south. With any luck we'll be able to get that taken care of quickly tomorrow and can make our way to Daisetsuzan National Park. Depending on how long/difficult that turns out to be, we may attempt Shiretoko Park the next day. I really want to see Shiretoko, but it's the eastern-most point of the island, and likely to be QUITE the drive. I'll let you all know how that goes.

Well, it was a bit of a 'travel day' today, so I don't really have much to report at this point. Fortunately I've got a couple of decent computers right in the lobby of the hotel, so I should be able to make regular updates for the next few days. I'll keep you all posted.



David said...

Hi Colin, So what kind of cars are you renting and seeing around - anything unusual or curious? I think it's great that you're going to take the brewery tour and then try to drive around on the left side of the road. Way to stick it to the man! ;-)

G&G said...

Hi Colin, thank's so much for the continuing saga of your comprehensive tour of Japan from north to south ,east to west and to the top, as well. Grandma and I have just got out the Atlas again to trace your journey. It has been wonderful reading,wont write too much at this time, love G&G

Aunt J. said...

Hey Col. I think you should have gone into journalism -- your commentaries are quite vivid.

Mom said...

Hi Colin--we were able to use the office computer again, so we've updated ourselves on your progress. We are still enjoying Killarney, kayaking every morning and relaxing by the pool most afternoons. Talk to you soon.