Saturday, 24 August 2019

Staying Dry

Good morning everyone!  This will be a short post as yesterday we didn't get up to much.  It was the first day of the trip where we got a significant amount of rain and it kept us a bit hunkered down.  We still went out to see the town of Rocky Harbour, which Jay and I missed while we were hiking Gros Morne.  It's a nice little town that seems to be a popular base of operations for people exploring the park.  There are lots of little cabins and B&Bs scattered around town, and all the groceries and supplies that you'd need.  We did a bit of shopping and had lunch at Java Jack's where the fishcakes are worth the flight to Newfoundland.

After lunch we made our way back to the house, stopping briefly in Woody Point to grab some lobster for dinner.  All told a pretty relaxing day, and my legs appreciated the rest.  With any luck I'll be able to do a hike today without whimpering.  I'll let you know how that goes...

1 comment:

Jabbles said...

It was a light day but an enjoyable day. Got some souvenir shopping done so that is always nice to get that done and out of the way.

Those cod cakes were certainly delicious, as were the mussels and the seafood chowder. It was a light day activity wise but I definitely didn't eat light.