Monday, 13 June 2011

Introducing Euphemia Zhang

Good evening ladies and gents!  Big news for this particular post.  I've been spreading the word through my various forms of social media for the last week, and I thought I might as well make things official on my blog for those of you who don't follow my merry adventures on Facebook.

Long time readers will recall that I've had reason to lament a lack of travelling companions in the past.  My trip to Iceland in particular comes to mind as a fantastic trip that would have been elevated even further if I'd not been flying solo.  This is not in anyway belittling the massive contributions made by Graydyn, Jay, and my parents in providing company on my travels, but still, I've found myself looking for a more constant form of travelling companion.  I dedicated several lengthy years of research in trying to determine a viable and effective solution to my obvious problem.  After countless months of browsing all the scientific literature I could come across I discovered a solution often employed by the Adult Human Male: if you stop playing video games and leave the house every now and then, maybe you'll find a girlfriend.  I'm happy to announce that I've found a beautiful young lady who has expressed a keen interest in seeing this vast world of ours by my side, and I present to you, my loyal readers, Miss Euphemia Zhang!

Took that picture myself with my new phone!  The lovely backdrop is the Rouge River Valley, which will be the subject of a post in the very near future.

Admittedly I think most of you know that Euphemia and I have been going out, but I know she's going to be coming up in this blog in the very near future, as she's already agreed to accompany me on my next camping trip (more on that very soon) and I felt that a formal introduction was important to maintaining a steady narrative in this blog.  Also it gave me a terrific opportunity for that lengthy, self-deprecating introduction to this week's post.

Okay, I'll attempt to stop being a clown now and get into the details.  Euphemia was born in Zhuhai, in the province of Guangdong, China, where she lived until moving to Canada at the age of 15.  She's fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English, and just recently graduated in Honours Applied Mathematics from the University of Waterloo.  Those factors combine to make her much, much smarter than the humble author of this blog.

I'm going to refrain from getting into any more of my girlfriend's life story, but I just wanted to provide a brief introduction.  She's likely to be a major contributing character in the story of my travels, and I wanted to make sure everyone knows who I'm talking about before I start dropping her name throughout the course of my blogging adventures.

I'm wrapping things up for the day here.  Tune in later in the week when I plan on popping in a special report that I've been wanting to write about, and then keep updating every week as we're starting to get the details of a camping trip hammered out (as those of you who follow Jay's blog will already know) and I'm sure to be reporting on the preparations for that as we approach the July 1st departure date.  Thanks for reading everyone, and I'll talk to you all again soon.


Jabbles said...

Congrats on leaving the house and meeting people.

I certainly get out a bit more that I used to but I do spend too much time in my comfy basement.

I will admit to some jealousy though, not so much the actual girlfriend part (I am a bit) but now if I want to join you on a trip I will be the third wheel, no one wants to be the third wheel.
If you are reading this Euphemia, can't wait to meet you on our upcoming camping trip.

Grammie said...

Hope we get to meet Euphemia. "Maybe this summer
when you come up this way for a visit"