Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Considering a Format Change

Hey guys, just a short post today... for reasons that will become evident as I explore the topic of this post.

With my new job and the extensive commute that comes with it I'm finding myself with a lot let time to work with in the mornings.  As it stands I've just got my usual morning routine dealt with and am ready to settle down and write my blog post... but I've got to get out of here in about 2 minutes.  It's become a bit of a challenge.  I've got two options here and I'd like to put it out to you, the community of readers, to determine which is the best course of action.  I still think my once-per-week format is perfect for when I'm not actually travelling, so I'd like to stick with that.  I can start making my weekly posts on a weekend when I've got more time to really sit down and write.  However, if everyone is pretty keen on the Tuesday posts (which was a pretty arbitrary day for a post anyway) then I can just start writing these things on the weekend and not posting them until Tuesday.  Everyone okay with switching to a Sunday post (no pun intended) or would you all prefer that I left things as they stand and kept posting on Tuesdays?

Okay, thank in advance for the input everyone.  Hope you're all doing very well today!  I know Jay is having a blast down in Fontana, go check his blog out for more details on that.  Stay safe, have fun, and I'll talk to you all again soon.


Jabbles said...

Yep Fontana is great.
I say It's your blog do what you please. It's nice to look forward to your posts on Tuesday but really the say doesn't matter I read for the content.

Grammie said...

Whenever you like is great. I just enjoy your writings.

Auntie Sue said...

Hey it's been a while since I visited your blog and when I do I so enjoy! So feel free to do what you need to do.