Friday, 24 September 2010

Mobile Post #20100924

Greetings minions!

I'm afraid that I don't have much to say this evening, but I wanted you all to know that I'm safe and sound in Killarney with my dad.

Our usual haunt at the Killarney Mountain Lodge was booked up for a wedding this weekend, so we've decided to try the newly renovated Sportsman Inn. It's an ancient inn that has been given a complete facelift, transforming it into a hip, modern accommodation while still managing to hold onto its distinct exterior silhouette. The room is really stunning, and I think we'll have a good night's sleep here. The only drawback is, sadly, a major one: there is no trace of organization to be found in this building. I have lost track of the number of times I've heard "I'm sorry" directed at myself, my dad, or some other guest. This manifests itself most clearly in all aspects of the dining experience, and dinner was a long, unpleasant experience that I will refrain from going into any great detail on. Needless to say, while the room itself is considerably more luxurious than anything that can be found at the KML, the Lodge still wins hands-down for it's hospitality, efficiency, and phenomenal food. That's setting aside any bonus points that it gets for good ol' homey charm. I'm incredibly pleased that we were able to secure a room there on Monday for our return from the park.

The Sportsman has attempted to provide free Wi-Fi throughout the building, but I'm sadly at the opposite end of the hall from the wireless router. (I know this because I saw it on the wall in the hallway.) This means that my signal strength is poor. Combine that with a strange SSL error from Blogger and I seem to be incapable of posting to my blog from my netbook. Hence I am using my phone to write the post. Hence the lack of details surrounding dinner. Suffice it to say that they managed to put a steak in front of Dad that he was completely unwilling to eat. Just picture the piece of steak that would dismay my father, I dare you.

At any rate, we head into the park tomorrow morning. We're faced this evening with high winds, and the forecast, while not threatening, is far from welcoming. Please wish us the best my friends. I will, of course, be out of touch until Monday. If all goes according to plan I'll be nicely settled at KML and documenting our adventures by Monday afternoon.

Until then my friends.


Jabbles said...

Bad service is one thing ruining your dads steak, there are no words for that.

Aunt J. said...

Don't let the experience ruin your weekend in the wilds!

Debbie said...

"The only drawback is, sadly, a major one: there is no trace of organization to be found in this building"

NO organization... this IS serious!! O.O

Unknown said...

Hmmm... wedge shaped? Gnarly? Overcooked? Was actually the waiters shoe? Did you notice if the waiter had a New York strapped to his foot?

At least the good ol' KLM is reliable, so you're guaranteed a proper post-camping meal tonight.