Tuesday, 24 August 2010

What To Do On the Weekend

I'm looking at going to the Fan Expo Canada this weekend:  http://www.fanexpocanada.com/

I've never attended one of these conventions before, despite a long-time curiosity about them, so we'll see how it goes.  Steve and Tinea are going to be in town for the Expo, and Richard can always be counted on to attend any of these conventions.  It's just one of those fun things that happens once a year.

This reminds me a lot of the Gourmet Food and Wine Expo: http://www.foodandwineexpo.ca/sitepages/

We've been going to the Food and Wine Expo for a few years now and we always have a blast while we're there.

This brings me to the topic of the day: exciting once-a-year events in the town of your choice.  Conventions, Expos, Fairs, events of all description are taking place all the time in the large cities of the world.  The question is (and this is something that Jay and I have discussed on multiple occasions) how do you find these blood things?  The Food and Wine Expo is something that Gray managed to stumble upon entirely by accident, and the only reason I know about the Fan Expo is that I've got enthusiastic friends who attend every year.

I think that events like these ones could add a lot of excitement to a vacation in a new city, but I'm never entirely certain how to find them.

So I guess in the end I'm looking (once again) for input from my audience.  Those of you who have lived in the city for far longer than I have, how do you know when something exciting is going on in your hometown?  I'm hoping to translate this info into a generalized strategy for figuring out unique and interesting things that are happening in the cities that I visit in the future.

Aside from that, I'm really looking forward to spend some quality time with my friends this weekend, and I'm still really excited about my trip to Portland/Victoria which is now a mere two weeks away!  I hope you're all doing well, I'll talk to you next Tuesday.


Jabbles said...

Yeah they can be great fun but can also be hard to find. I think one good source is CBC radio 1. I listen to the Windsor feed and I am pretty up to date on the going ons there. I think one other source is check out the main expo hall websites, you may even be able to subscribe to a monthly e-mail.
As for this particular week end enjoy yourselves, K'pla!!!!!

Unknown said...

As far as food/booze festivals, there are a couple of those pretty much any given weekend in Toronto. The only difficulty is finding one being run by a crowd that you can meld with. For example I get the impression that most beer festivals are going to be overrun by yahoos.
On the opposite end of the scale, I've been considering this event the past couple years:
but this one is probably swarming with walking corpses, just like anything else in Toronto that costs more than $1.95.

For non-food related events, as you know all the best stuff happens at the Metro Convention Centre:

Last and also probably least, the TO website updates with some of the more well known events here:

That nuit blanche thing happens every year and may be to your interest.