Tuesday, 24 November 2009

I'm Going... Somewhere

Well, Graydyn and I decided to try our luck at last-minute vacationing.  We've booked off the last week of January, but haven't actually booked a vacation yet.  We're just going to keep our eyes on the websites of a few travel companies and see what pops up for that timeline.  Right now I'm seeing a lot of really good deals for 2-3 weeks from now, so I'm hoping that's the general trend and that we'll start seeing some cheap vacations once we get into early January.

Right now I'm making good use of Travelzoo.  For those of you who aren't familiar, www.travelzoo.ca just scours the Interwebs looking for travel deals and then compiles them into a list which they send out once a week.  I've been finding it useful already as a means of seeing what's out there in terms of other travel companies that I can keep a close eye on myself.

There's a certain amount of stress to the whole thing.  I know I need to book the vacation, but I can't yet.  I hate knowing that I need to do something, it drives me nuts.  However, shopping around for vacations can be fun in its own right, so I'm enjoying that aspect of this plan.  I've even done some more in-depth research into a few places; not with any real intent to book a trip this early, but just to get a feeling for what kind of research tools are out there.  So far I've made good use of Trip Advisor (www.tripadvisor.com) which lets people post comments about a resort that they've been to.  Seeing the comments of people who have visited your target resort can be very useful, although as with any internet-based review, you have to take some comments with a grain of salt.  I've heard tales of people giving resorts a 1 out of 5 because the weather was bad while they were there.  I'm not entirely sure how the resort is supposed to fix that.

If anyone has a particular favorite resource for trip planning please sound-off in the comments of this post.  The more tools I have for my research the happier I'll be!  I've still got at least a month before I'm likely to be booking anything, so I'm sure that you'll all hear a lot more about this in the next couple of months.  Enjoy your week everyone!


Jabbles said...

As you know I am already well aware of you trip planning and am jealous, But I just can't justify the cost. What ever you dicide on have fun.

Aunt J. said...

I was using Trip Advisor when trying to decide on a hotel in Dublin. A hotel that was on my top 5 list turned out to have a fire station next door -- and it was thanks to Trip Advisor for the heads up.
Suggest signing up to the Air Canada e-mail offers. My co-worker recently got a flight to Tokyo for $680 including tax.