Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Travel Advisories

Happy Tuesday everyone!

I was really happy to see the number of people who were keeping up with this blog while I was away in Iceland, and it was great fun reading all of your comments while I was there. That's inspired me to keep this blog alive, even while I'm not abroad. I really abandoned it after Japan; I think there were about half a dozen posts between August '07 and my Iceland trip in August of '09. Obviously since this is a travel blog it's a little more difficult to keep it going when I'm not travelling, but I've got a couple ideas about that. First, I need to travel more. I'll see what I can do about that. However, in the meantime I'm going to set up a schedule. This blog will be updated every Tuesday. That will give me a week between each post to find something travel related to discuss, and it will hold me to a schedule to keep me inspired and on-track.

This week I'd like to discuss travel advisories. This actually came up quite organically in a conversation I was having with some co-workers. We were talking about governments issuing travel advisories to their citizens, but realized that we'd never gone out of our way to find these advisories. It didn't take me long to find the Canadian Government's travel website, but what really shocked me was the quality of it. That's a really great page! If you navigate to www.travel.gc.ca you'll find loads of tips for travellers as well as tips and warnings pertaining to specific countries. Just look up the country you're planning to visit and read up about any potential hazards that may await you.

Another great feature there that I was unfamiliar with is the traveller registration process. Just look to the links along the left side of their website under "Planning a trip" and you'll find a link labelled "Registration of Canadians Abroad." This allows you to let the Canadian Government know where you'll be so that they can contact you in case of an emergency back home, or make you aware of an emerging threat to your safety in the region that you are visit, should one arise. I thought that was a great service, and wanted to share it with all of you since that was new to me.

Well, that's all for now. I recommend that you all check out www.travel.gc.ca, and while you're doing that I'll be coming up with next week's topic for discussion. Please feel free to make suggestions if there's something in particular that you'd like me to research or discuss.

1 comment:

Jabbles said...

Good to know. So was there anything interesting about travel to Iceland?