Sunday, 7 August 2011

Need to Travel... NOW

Good afternoon everyone!  Just trying desperately to get into the groove of writing on Sunday afternoons as opposed to my old Tuesday morning schedule.  Clearly I have difficulties breaking out of ruts when I get in them, but I'm also facing the extraordinary difficulty of not having any concrete travel plans in my future.  This is not something that I've often dealt with!  I'll be the first to admit that it's really taking the wind out of my sails right now, and I think I need to get myself organized and start putting the wheels in motion on some serious travel plans.  Any suggestions?  I'm certainly still committed to making a trip to China happen next year, but it's still too early to get anything definitive on paper, and I think I need to get a little something going before that to keep myself from going completely around the bend.

In other news I'm FINALLY wrapped up on the process of making my new bike officially mine.  It's insured and I've been to the ministry to get the ownership in my own name.  Just yesterday I went out with wrenches triumphantly in hand and put my own license plate on my lovely new ZZR600!  It was a process that took considerably longer than it needed to, but it's all done now and I'm ready to ride.  Sadly I've been entirely too busy with work this weekend to get out and actually ride!  With any luck I'll be settling into the new position shortly and able to get some weekend time to myself within a couple weeks.

Sorry for the brief check-in, but like I said, things have been pretty busy lately.  Hopefully things will normalize soon.  Until then, be well my friends.

1 comment:

Jabbles said...

Sadly I will make this the official cancellation of my Fall dragon run. I know you had talked of joining me but I decided to cancel for financial reasons. I am still keeping the week of October 10th open for now so if you think of a cheap quick trip let me know.