Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Mobile Posting For Now

Sorry guys and gals, I'll have to keep this short. My internet connection has been flaky lately and it's just decided not to let me log in to Blogger, so I'll have to post from my phone. I'm sure I'll be able to elaborate more tonight, but just wanted to let you all know that I absolutely loved the comments on my last post. The level of enthusiasm for my travels is really inspiring.

The long weekend provided us with gorgeous weather and I was able to go home and get my bike back. Finally! It was a long ride home, and that seat was starting to feel pretty hard by the end, but it was still a great ride.

Well, if I try to go for a full post from my phone I'll be late for work. Update you more later. Have a great day everyone.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

1 comment:

Jabbles said...

Yeah I think there is something up with the interwebs I too have been having issues.