Thursday, 10 January 2008

The Votes Are Rolling In...

...okay, so maybe not "rolling" but thanks to all those who have responded to my request for travel suggestions. :) I haven't really got around to telling everyone that I've started posting here again, but hopefully we'll start to see traffic picking up soon.

It's nice to see such a wealth of travel destinations suggested... equally nice is the number of perspective travel companions that I now have. I've gotta say, the British Isles have always been high on my list, but they are starting to edge their way to the top. I've got family there who I'd like to go meet, and family here who would be willing to go introduce me. :) Also, Andrew and Polina have both visited England in the recent past as well as my Grandparents and Aunt, so I've been getting a lot of jealousy from the stories I've been hearing, and pictures I've been seeing. Maybe it's time for a trip... :)

Anyway, I promised more photos for those of you who haven't seen mine yet. I like to keep each post manageable, so once again I'm only going to post a few. Keep coming back for more!

This picture from Tokyo goes very nicely with the next one. I'm standing on a street corner, and 180 degrees, directly behind me is this:

Stunning park right in the middle of Tokyo. Love it! This was during my one full day in Tokyo where I was on my own, before I headed to Nobeoka.
After all the moaning I did about how trying it was to get up Mt. Fuji, I thought I should at least show you all what I went up there to see.

Of course, I also have to temper that with a shot of what I climbed with/through to get up there. I say again, climb in the off season!!!
Anyway guys, I'm off. Thanks for stopping by, and keep the suggestions flowing. Where do you want me to blog from next? :)
-This is Colin, over and out.

1 comment:

G&G said...

Hi Colin, Just accidently found your blog address and realised that I haven't looked at it since before Christmas. If you end up going to England I have lots of suggestions and guidence for you. Hope that everything is going well,including your course. Keep in touch,love G&G